Why is Data Validation required?
Computer application (Web based or otherwise) rely on correct and useful data and therefore data validation is built into systems to ensure that the business logic operates on clean, correct and useful data. Data validation is implemented using functions or routines that check for correctness, meaningfulness, and security of data that are input to the system.Along with data validation, it is also equally important to look into "Usability" aspect of the validation i.e. how validation errors are handled and displayed back to the user(Usability is a vast topic and we are just talking about the error handling part of it here).
Validation in JSF
JSF lifecycle:
As you are probably already aware that in JSF world everything is governed by JSF lifecycle, so it's important to understand where and how in the JSF lifecycle validation happens.
<image courtesy www.developersbook.com>
Validation is 3rd phase in life cycle, i.e. after the component object model is built (or restored) and the submitted form fields values are updated in the corresponding components, validation routines (jsf in-built and custom both) are executed. Any validation error at this stage causes the control to jump directly to the "Render Response" phase i.e. processing of "Update Model Values" and "Invoke Application" is skipped.
Lets see how validation is done in JSF.
JSF supports both Declarative and Imperative means of validations
1. Declarative
* Using JSF standard validators
* Using Bean validation -- JSR 303
2. Imperative
* Validation Method in backing bean
* Custom validator by implementing javax.faces.validator.Validator and annotating the class with @FacesValidator
Declarative Validation using JSF tags
Required" i.e. the form field cannot be empty, user must provide some information, is implemented in JSF as an attribute "Required". This attribute is available in all tags that extend EditableValueHolder namely inputText,teaxtArea, Select, Menu etc.Lets look at some examples of declarative validation using tags and for that refer to index.xhtml
1) Required Field
<h:outputLabel for="fName" value="*Enter First Name: " title="First Name"/> <h:inputText id="fName" value="#{personView.per.fName}" title="First Name" tabindex="1" required="true"
requiredMessage="first name is required"/> <h:message id="m1" for="fName" style="color:red"/> <p></p>
Note: The default value of "required"this attribute is "false", so if this attribute is not present then the field in NOT mandatory.
2) DoubleRangeValidator
This tag is used to validate a floating point range.<h:outputLabel for="ustaRankingId" value="Enter USTA Ranking: " title="USTA Ranking"/> <h:inputText id="ustaRankingId" value="#{personView.ustaRanking}" title="USTA Ranking" tabindex="8" size="3" validatorMessage="Registration Open Only for Level 3.0 to 4.5"> <f:validateDoubleRange minimum="3.0" maximum="4.5" for="ustaRankingId"/> <!--f:validateRegex pattern="[3-4]\.?[05]" for="ustaRankingId"/--> </h:inputText> <h:message id="m6" for="ustaRankingId" style="color:red"/> <p></p>
... other JSF validation tags follow/work on similar pattern and so lets move on to other types of validation supported in JSF.
Declarative Validation using Bean Validation -- JSR 303
JSR 303 is implemented by JSF framework (and other like Spring and Hibernate) and supports validation using annotations in the bean. A good reason to use this feature is that it is "display framework/ technology" agnostic and provides a centralized location for bean constraints and validation as compared to being scattered across front-end and app-tier.Lets look at some examples of JSR 303 validation and for that refer to index.xhtml and Person.java.
In index.xhtml, there is a field for "Sex" options - Male or Female and we want to make this field required, i.e. user should select one of the two option (when the form is first displayed, neither option is selected); the JSF code is very straight forward, there is NO validation/checks done.
<h:outputLabel for="sexId" value="*Sex:" title="Sex"/> <h:selectOneRadio id="sexId" value="#{personView.per.sex}" title="Sex" tabindex="5"> <f:selectItem itemLabel="M" itemValue="M" /> <f:selectItem itemLabel="F" itemValue="F" /> <f:validateBean disabled="false"/> </h:selectOneRadio> <h:message id="m3" for="sexId" style="color:red"/> <p></p>
@NotNull(message = "Please select Sex Type, (M) for Male or (F) for Female") String sex;
Imperative Validation
The simple declarative validation discussed so far is a good first step but is rarely sufficient. Most enterprise applications require more complex validation logic that can span multiple properties, multiple entities, security-roles and hence require custom code. Imperative validations is also called as application level validation.In JSF world application level validation can be done either by
1) Implementing interface javax.faces.validator.Validator and annotating that class with @FacesValidator
2) Implementing validation in a backing bean method.
3) Using Custom Component
In this article, we will focus on the first two ways of validation.
Custom Validator
A java class as validator needs to- be annotated with @FacesValidator.The presence of this annotation on a class automatically registers the class with the runtime as a Validator.
- implement javax.faces.validator.Validator
for example refer to EmailValidator.java in attached source.
@FacesValidator("emailValidator") public class EmailValidator implements Validator
The implementation is very straight forward; Validator interface has a method
validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, java.lang.Object value)
This method needs to be implemented by the validator class. All the validation logic goes in this method (or say its the entry point).
@Override public void validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) throws ValidatorException { log("Validating submitted email -- " + value.toString()); matcher = pattern.matcher(value.toString()); if (!matcher.matches()) { FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(" E-mail validation failed.", "Please provide E-mail address in this format: abcd@abc.com"); msg.setSeverity(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR); throw new ValidatorException(msg); } }
Custom validator is integrated/used in the xhtml by using <f:validator> jsf tag.(refer to index.xhtml)
<h:outputLabel for="email" value="*Enter Email: " title="Primary Email"/> <h:inputText id="email" value="#{personView.per.email}" required="true" requiredMessage="email is required"
title="Primary Email" tabindex="3"> <f:validator validatorId="emailValidator" /> </h:inputText> <h:message id="m2a" for="email" style="color:red"/> <p></p>
Validation using a Method in Backing Bean
A method in the backing bean can serve as a validation method if it confirms to the following signature:public void someMethod(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, java.lang.Object value){ .. }
if you notice, the method signature is same as that of "validate" method of custom Validator, except that the method name is NOT confined to "validate", it can be any valid java method name.(refer to PersonView.java)
Note: this example refers to multiple bean properties for validation
/** * * Validation method 3 */ public void validatePlayer3(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) throws ValidatorException { String selectedRadio = (String) value; String msg = "V3-- Since you indicated that you play Tennis, Please enter Club Name."; String clubNameFromComp = (String) clubNameBind.getSubmittedValue(); log("\n\t ##clubName=" + clubNameFromComp + ",##selectedRadio=" + selectedRadio + "##\n\t"); if ((clubNameFromComp == null || "".equalsIgnoreCase(clubNameFromComp)) && "Y".equalsIgnoreCase(selectedRadio)) { throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, msg, msg)); } }
Custom validator is integrated/used in the xhtml by using validator attribute; the value of this attribute is EL expression corresponding to the backing bean method which implements the validation logic.(refer to index.xhtml)
<h:outputLabel for="sportsPer" value="Do You Play Tennis?" title="Play tennis"/> <h:selectOneRadio id="sportsPer" value="#{personView.per.likesTennis}" validator="#{personView.validatePlayer3}" title="Play tennis" tabindex="6"> <f:selectItem itemLabel="Yes" itemValue="Y" /> <f:selectItem itemLabel="No" itemValue="N" /> <!--f:attribute name="clubNameAttr" value="# {clubNameBind.submittedValue}" /--> </h:selectOneRadio> <h:message id="m4" for="sportsPer" style="color:red"/> <p></p>
This completes our Section on what and how to validate, now moving on to how validation messages are displayed to user.
JSF provides two tags for displaying messages (which are queued either by jsf validation tags or custom validators)
1. h:message, contains message specific to a component.It is a good practice to have <h:message> right after the component tag for which the message is queued.
2. h:messages, messages from all components and all other messages queued in by the system.
see index.xhtml,for how the above tags are used.
Form Validation and Usability
As I mentioned earlier in the blog that along with form validation, it is equally important to display correct message as well. There is also an increased awareness in the technology world about developing application that are accessible to people with visual and other disabilities. One of the major stumbling block in usability is form validation and how to recover from it. User's with disability quite often use some sort of tool like JAWS, to read/interpret a web page. The application we code should take into account how, these tools read/interpret our pages and what best we can do to accommodate ADA needs.Here are some suggestion which I consider are good practices and we developers should at the minimum include in our application:- If form validation fails, tell user that the form validation failed and list all the instructions/errors at the top of form.
- Repeat the instructions in front/after the field.
- If possible set focus on the "top" error message or on the field corresponding to the first error message.
- Use correct font color and size for displaying error.
- The error message should tell the user what needs to be done and NOT what is wrong.
- Use correct tab index or make sure that form fields are in a logical tab order
- When form controls are text input fields use the LABEL element.
- Check to make sure the page does not contain a strobe effect
- Make sure the page does not contain repeatedly flashing images
<ui:param name="errorMessages" value="#{facesContext.getMessageList()}" /> <h:panelGroup rendered="#{not empty errorMessages}" styleClass="errorMsg"> <h:outputText value="Form Submission was not successful; Please review and correct listed errors and then resubmit " escape="false"/> <br /> <h:messages style="color: red" globalOnly="false"/> </h:panelGroup>
you can download the source from here
Hope this blog helped you in gaining understanding of the validation in JSF. If you have any question orsuggestion, please post your comment.
Prasanna Bhale
Thanks you, Prasanna Bhale! The post helped me to understand a little more about JSF Validation. I have one question, if form validation have passed, but occurs business exception on action method of the ManagedBean, which is the practice used?
Considering that your backing bean is at least ViewScoped, so that submitted form data can be displayed back to user; I would create FacesMessage for the business exception and display it in < h:messages >
Deletepublic void formSub() {
try {
// ... business logic exception
} catch(RegistrationFullException ex) {
FacesMessage msg =
new FacesMessage("Registration is full for now! Please check back later.");
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage("", msg);
It's an awesome explanation. I got a clear cut idea with this stuff. Thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteThe source code is missing the index.xhtml. Can you please include it.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot!
ReplyDeleteExcellent summary on different validation options within JSF. Thanks a lot for it!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this amazing article. Things are very well explained :)
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ReplyDeleteThe article was excellent, JSF, Data validation is implemented using functions or routines that check for correctness, meaningfulness, and security. For more information.
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ReplyDeleteI'd like too validate (with own validator) some fields that are not required (validation only if it is filled) but my validator is only called when required attribute is true, not else.
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I am running a session to create a .tde file (Tableau data extract) from Informatica Power Center.
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ERROR : (13196 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | INTEGRATION_DEV_EDW) : node01 : GENERIC_WRITER_5 : [ERROR] Error while initializing the writer : [Plugin's .properties file : TableauPlugin not found.]
2017-05-17 14:27:39 : ERROR : (13196 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | INTEGRATION_DEV_EDW) : node01 : JAVA PLUGIN_1762 : [ERROR] com.informatica.powercenter.sdk.SDKException: com.informatica.powercenter.sdk.SDKException: Plugin's .properties file : TableauPlugin not found.
at com.informatica.cloud.api.adapter.utils.Utils.getPluginInstance(Unknown Source)
at com.informatica.cloud.api.adapter.writer.runtime.GenericWriterPartitionDriver.initializeWriter(Unknown Source)
at com.informatica.cloud.api.adapter.writer.runtime.GenericWriterPartitionDriver.init(Unknown Source)
2017-05-17 14:27:39 : ERROR : (13196 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | INTEGRATION_DEV_EDW) : node01 : JAVA PLUGIN_1762 : [ERROR]
2017-05-17 14:27:39 : ERROR : (13196 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | INTEGRATION_DEV_EDW) : node01 : JAVA PLUGIN_1762 : [ERROR] at com.informatica.cloud.api.adapter.writer.runtime.GenericWriterPartitionDriver.init(Unknown Source)
2017-05-17 14:27:39 : ERROR : (13196 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | INTEGRATION_DEV_EDW) : node01 : SDKS_38502 : Plug-in #447100's target [TDE_OMHSAS_DAI_USED: Partition 1] failed in method [init].
2017-05-17 14:27:39 : ERROR : (13196 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | INTEGRATION_DEV_EDW) : node01 : WRT_8068 : Writer initialization failed. Writer terminating.
2017-05-17 14:27:39 : ERROR : (13196 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | INTEGRATION_DEV_EDW) : node01 : JAVA PLUGIN_1762 : [ERROR] java.lang.NullPointerException
2017-05-17 14:27:39 : ERROR : (13196 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | INTEGRATION_DEV_EDW) : node01 : JAVA PLUGIN_1762 : [ERROR] at com.informatica.cloud.api.adapter.writer.runtime.GenericWriterPartitionDriver.deinit(Unknown Source)
2017-05-17 14:27:39 : ERROR : (13196 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | INTEGRATION_DEV_EDW) : node01 : SDKS_38502 : Plug-in #447100's target [TDE_OMHSAS_DAI_USED: Partition 1] failed in method [deinit].
2017-05-17 14:27:39 : INFO : (13196 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | INTEGRATION_DEV_EDW) : node01 : WRT_8035 : Load complete time: Wed May 17 14:27:39 2017
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As well as it, our QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number will bring in dedicated and diligent back-end helps for you for just in case you find any inconveniences in operating some of these versions.
ReplyDeleteQuickBooks Enterprise Support – QuickBooks Comes With An Amount Of Such Features, Which Are Friendly To Business And Finance Users. It May Be Completely Stated As Asoftwarethat Could Be Specialized In Cater The Financial Needs Of A Business Enterprise Or A Little Company. Not Even Small And Medium Company But Individuals Too Avail The Services Of QuickBooks. It Is Developed By Intuit Incorporation And Contains Been Developing Its Standards Ever Since That Time. QuickBooks Enterprise Support Is A Software Platform On Which A Person Can Manage Different Financial Needs Of An Enterprise Such As For Example Payroll Management, Accounts Management, Inventory And Many Other. It Provides Necessary Features In Real Time For The Enterprises. Since The Software Runs On Desktop And Laptop Devices, It Truly Is Prone To Get Errors And Technical Glitches. But also for Such Cases QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number. Is Present Which Enables A Person To Acquire His Errors Fixed.
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ReplyDeleteOur support, as covered by QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Experts at qbenterprisesupport.com, includes all the functional and technical aspects related to the QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Suppport Number. They include all QuickBooks errors encountered during the running of QuickBooks Enterprise and all issues faced during Installation, update, and the backup of QB Enterprise.
ReplyDeleteThe group of certified and trained professionals will always help you with amazing and quality services round the clock just to direct you towards raising the growth of your business and organizations one step further. To troubleshoot errors and issues, avail services through the QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Number.
ReplyDeleteEverbody knows that the errors that pop up in QuickBooks are far too less for you really to ignore this software, resolving them is truly important. Our QuickBooks Upgrade Support Phone Number executives work very hard to land you from the issues that may pop up in this software.
ReplyDeleteQuickBooks Point Of Sale Support has turned out to be known as a brandname of prosperous bookkeeping programador that includes had a significant record of enhancing the proficiency plus the execution of each and every business’ bookkeeping office, whether or not they might be little or business firms.
ReplyDeleteNew Intuit's Data Shield service, at QuickBooks 2018 Automatically backs up your QuickBooks information (or all your valuable files, as much as 100 gigabytes) each day into some Web-based storage place. The details Shield service differs within the elderly QuickBooks Desktop Technical Support Number when you look at the backup process runs regardless if your data file can be obtained, and every daily backup is stored for 45 days.
ReplyDeleteOur QuickBooks Technical Support is obtainable for 24*7: Call @ QuickBooks Technical Support contact number any time.Take delight in with an array of outshined customer service services for QuickBooks via QuickBooks Canada Tech Support Number at any time and from anywhere.It signifies that one can access our tech support for QuickBooks at any moment. Our backing team is dedicated enough to bestow you with end-to-end QuickBooks solutions when you desire to procure them for every single QuickBooks query.
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ReplyDeleteAnd along with support for QuickBooks Support Number it is much simpler to undertake all the tools of QuickBooks in a hassle-free manner. Below is a listing of several QuickBooks errors that one may meet with when you're using it. Have a glimpse at it quickly.
ReplyDeleteJust dial QuickBooks phone number and inform us the QuickBooks product name that you need QuickBooks help by our experts. Our QuickBooks customer care team will show you for each product of QuickBooks whether QuickBooks Support Number, Accountant, Pro, and Premier.
ReplyDeleteQuickBooks Full Service Payroll management is actually an essential part these days. Every organization has its own employees. Employers want to manage their pay. The yearly medical benefit is vital. The employer needs to allocate. But, accomplishing this manually will require enough time. Aim for QuickBooks payroll support. This can be an excellent software. You can actually manage your finances here. That is right after your accounts software. You'll be able to manage staffs with ease.
ReplyDeleteYou'll find so many fields Intuit QuickBooks Support covers like creating invoices, managing taxes, managing payroll etc. However exceptions are typical over, sometimes it makes the down sides and user wants QuickBooks client Service help.
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Our support also extends to handling those errors that usually occur when your version of QuickBooks has been infected by a malicious program like a virus or a spyware, which might have deleted system files, or damaged registry entries. Moreover, our QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number Team also handle any kind of technical & functional issue faced during installation of drivers for QB Enterprise; troubleshoot any other glitch that may arise in this version or the multi-user one.
ReplyDeleteThis team works really hard towards achieving maximum customer satisfaction. All our support executives are vigilant and highly skilled. QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Support Phone Number put their hundred percent efforts to resolve issues that are fairly complex.